Total data: 12061
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Samekto, M. Widiastuti; Witjahyo, RB. B.; Boyanto; Sungkar, MA.; Pasiyan R.; Awal Prasetyo;Semarang : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Dipongoro , 2001
Colour atlas of anatomical pathology
Cooke, Robin A.; Stewart, Brian;Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone , 1987
Panduan praktikum patologi anatomi
Sarjadi; Indra Wijaya; Bambang Endro Putranto; Udadi Sadhana;Semarang : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro , 2003
Grant's method of anatomy : by regions, descriptive and deductive
Basmajian, John V.;Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins , 1980
Kedaruratan medik : pedoman penatalaksanaan praktis
Agus Purwadianto; Budi Sampurna;Jakarta : Panitia Lulusan Dokter Universitas Indonesia , 1979
SEFT essentials : spiritual emotional freedom technique : the simplest way to get healed
SEFT Corporation;[Jakarta] : SEFT Corporation , 2011
Te Linde's operative gynecology
Ryan, Kenneth J.; Rock, John A.; Thompson, John D.; Brieger, Gert; Dunn, Leo J.;Philadelphia : Lippincott - Raven , 1992