Total data: 36749

Introduction to operations research / Frederick S. Hillier, Gerald J. Lieberman
Hillier, Frederick S.; Lieberman, Gerald J.;New York : McGraw-Hill , 1986

Fundamentals of public speaking / Donald C. Bryant, Karl R. Wallace
Wallace, Karl R.; Bryant, Donald C.;Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall , 1976

The Comparative study of religions / Joachim Wach
Wach, Joachim;New York : Clumbia University Press , 1958

Manusia dalam pijar-pijar kekayaan dimensinya
Sutrisno, Fx. Mudji; Magnis; Suseno, Frans;Yogyakarta : Kanisius , 1993

The Muslims view of the Bible and the Chrisian's views of the Qur'an / Cate Patrick O'Hair
O'Hair, Cate Patrick;Ann Arbor, Michigan : University Microfilms International , 1986

Manusia dan kebudayaan : sebuah esei tentang manusia
Nugroho, Alois A.; Cassirer, Ernst;Jakarta : Gramedia , 1990

Sejarah filsafat Barat modern dan sezaman
Brouwer, M.A.W.; Heryadi, M. Puspa;Bandung : Alumni , 1986