Total data: 36749

Negara dan usaha bina-negara di Jawa masa lampau : studi tentang masa Mataram II, abad XVI sampai XIX / Soemarsaid Moertono
Moertono, Soemarsaid;Jakarta : Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia , 1985

Islamic dietary laws and practices / Mohammad mazhaaaar hussaini
;s.l. : The Islamic food and nutrition council f America , 1981

Islamic criminal law and criminal behaviour / Hashim Mehat
;Kuala Lumpur : Muslim Youth Movement of malaysia , 1993

Memurnikan Laa Ilaaha Illallah
Qahtani, Muhammad Said; Muhammad Qutb;Jakarta : Gema Insani Press , 1991

Misrepresentation a study of english and contract law / Mohd Ali Baharum
Baharum, Mohd Ali;Kuala Lumpur : Al-Rahmaniah , 1988

Women in the Qur'an, traditions, and interpretation / barbara freyer stowasser
Stowasser, BarbaraFreyer;New York Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1994

Al-Riba wa daurah fi istighlal mawarad al-syu'ub / Isa Abduh
Abduh, Isa;Kairo : Dar al-i\'tisham , 1977