Total data: 18868
Governance reform in Indonesia and Korea : a comparative perspective
Park, Jin; Widaningrum, Ambar;Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press , 2011
Criminal evidence : principles and cases
Gardner, Thomas J.; Anderson, Terry M.;United Kingdom : Cengage Learning , 2016
Handbook of adolescent drug use prevention : research, intervention stratgies, and practice
Scheier, Lawrence M.;Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, , 2015
The complete adult psychotherapy treatment planner, fifth edition
Jongsma, Jr, Arthur E.; Peterson, L. Mark; Bruce, Timothy J.;New Jersey : John Wiley , 2014
Genetics : analysis and principles, fifth edition
Brooker, Robert J.;New York : McGraw-Hill Education , 2015
Faith versus fact : why science and religion are incompatible
Coyne, Jerry A.;New York : Viking Compass , 2015
Cognitive science : an introduction to the study of mind, third edition
Friedenberg, Jay; Silverman, Gordon;Amerika : SAGE , 2016
Marketing research
Burns, Alvin C.; Bush, Ronald F.; Sinha, Nilanjana;Edinburgh : Pearson Education , 2014
Tafsir Al-Azhar : diperkaya dengan pendekatan sejarah, sosiologi, tasawuf, ilmu kalam, sastra, dan psikologi
Hamka; MHB, Dadi;Depok : Gema Insani Press , 2015