Total data: 1897
How to design and evaluate research in education
Wallen, Norman E.; Frankel, Jack R.; Hyun, Helen H.;New York : McGraw-Hill , 2015
The physics of everyday phenomena: a conceptual introduction to physics
Griffith, W. Thomas.; Brosing, Juliet Wain,;New York : McGraw-Hill , 2015
Exploration : an introduction to astronomy
Arny, Thomas T.; Schneider, Stephen E.;New York : McGraw-Hill , 2014
God and logic in Islam : the caliphate of reason
Walbridge, John;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2013
The singular universe and the reality of time : aproposal in natural philosophy
Unger, Roberto Mangabeira; Smolin, Lee;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2015
Current ossues in cosmology
Pecker, Jean; Claude; Narlikar, Jayant V.;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2011
Assesing lenguage through computer technology
Chapelle, Carol A.; Douglas;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2006