Total data: 36749

Asimov`s chronology of science and discovery / Isaac Asimov
Asimov, Isaac;New York : Harper and Row , 1989

Numerical analysis / Richard L. Burden
Burden, Richard L;USA : Brooks/Cole Publishing Company , 1997

Partai politik dan agenda transisi demokrasi : menakar kinerja partai politk era transisi di Indonesia / Koiruddin
Koiruddin;Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar , 2004

Menuju revolusi demokratik : mandat untuk perubahan Indonesia / Yudi Latif
Latif,Yudi;Jakarta : Djambatan , 2004

Membaca, dan membaca lagi : (re)interpretasi fiksi Indonesia 1980-1995 / Pamela Allen
Allen,Pamela;Jakarta : IndonesiaTera , 2004

The Mathematical century : the 30 greatest problems of the last 100
Odifreddi, Piergiorgio;Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press , 2004

The Autobiography of alcolm X / with the assistance of Alex Haley
Malcolm X; Haley, Alex;New York : Balantine Books , 1992

Islam and the challenge of democracy
El Fadl, Khaled Abou; Cohen, Joshua;Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press , 2004