Total data: 18284
Western civilization : images and interpretations
Sherman, Dennis;New York : Alfred A. Knopf , 1987
Organizational behavior : concepts controversies and applications / Stephen P. Robbins
Robbins, Stephen P.;New Jersey : Prentice-Hall , 1986
Organizational behavior : theory and practice
Altman, Steven; Valenzi, Enzo; Hodgetts, Richard M.;Orlando : Academic Press , 1985
Introduction to measurement in physical education and exercise science
Safrit, Margaret J.;Toronto : Times Mirror , 1986
Tuntunan berpidato di muka umum / Herbert N. Casson
Casson, Herbert N.; Djarir, Ibnu;Semarang : Fak.Dakwah IAIN Semarang , 1978
Immrath's guide to the library of congress classification
Chan, Lois Mai;Colorado : Libraries Unlimited , 1980
Tiga aspek kemu'jizatan al-Qur'an / M.Chadziq Charisma
Charisma, M.Chadziq;Surabaya : Bina Ilmu , 1991