Total data: 12183
The fight to vote
Waldman, Michael,; Oscar Julius Quartet.Friedsel Band.Boibriker Kapelle.Elenkrig's Orchestra.Machtenberg's Male Choir.F; National Bureau of Economic Research.; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.;Princeton, New Jersey : Simon & Schuster , 2016
A world in disarray: American foreign policy and the crisis of the old order
Haass, Richard;New York : Penguin Books , 2018
The Middle East and the United States: history, politics, and ideologies
Lesch, David W; Haas, Mark L.;New York : Westview press , 2018
Alter egos: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the twilight struggle over American power
Landler, Mark;London : WH Allen , 2016