Total data: 18854
Tata bahasa dasar bahasa Indonesia
Effendi, S.; Kentjono, Djoko; Suhardi, basuki;Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya , 2015
Memahami perkembangan studi hubungan internasional
Rachmawati, Iva;Yogyakarta : Aswaja Pressindo , 2012
Promosi kesehatan global
Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo; Krianto, Tri; Hassan, Anwar; Mamdy, Zulazmi;Jakarta : Rineka Cipta , 2013
Theories of counseling and psychotherapy : a case approach
Murdock, Nancy L.;Jurong, Singapore : Pearson , 2013
Counseling and psychotherapy with children and adolescents : theory and practice for school and clinical settings
Prout, H. Thompson; Fedewa, Alicia L.;Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley , 2015
Education of the gifted and talented
Davis, Gary A.; Rimm, Sylvia B.; Siegle, Del;Harlow, Essex : Pearson , 2014
Mahir berbahasa Indonesia: Baik, benar, dan santun
Santosa, Puji; Jaruki, Muhammad;Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya , 2016