Total data: 2265
Tata kelola penelitian di lembaga litbang pemerintah dan swasta
Maulana, Iqbal; Hartiningsih; Setiawan, Sigit; Kusbiantono;Jakarta : LIPI Press , 2014
Chemistry education : best practices, opportunities and trends
Garcia; Martines, Javier; Serrano; Torregrosa, Elena;Jerman : Willey-VCH , 2015
Encyclopedia of educational theory and philosophy volume one A-K
Phillips, D.C.;USA : Sage Publications. Inc , 2014
Encyclopedia of educational theory and philosophy volume two L-Z
Phillips, D.C.;USA : Sage Publication Inc , 2014
Metodelogi penelitian pendidikan dengan studi kasus
Muliawan, Jasa Ungguh;Yogyakarta : Gava Media , 2014
Civil society dalam perspektif manajemen pendidikan Islam
Muqoyyidin, Andik Wahyun;Yogyakarta : Lintang Rasi Aksara Books , 2013
Islamic finance in western higher education : developments and prospects
Belouafi, Ahmed; Belabes, Abderrazak; Trullols, Cristina;Amerika : Palgrave Macmillan , 2012