Total data: 36749

The Blackwell Companion to Sociology of Religion / Edited by Richard K Fenn
Fenn, Richard K.;USA : Blackwell Publishing , 2003

The Psychology of Religion : an Empirical Approach / Ralph W. Hood,...(et. al.)
Hood, Ralph W.;New York : The Guilford Press , 1996

English translations of The Holy Qur'an : a bibliographic study / Mofakhkhar Hussain Khan
Hussain Khan, Mofakhkhar;Singapore : Toppan Company , 1997

Encyclopaedia of Philosiphy of Education Vol.1-2 / Paul Monroe's
Monroe\'s,Paul;New Delhi : Cosmo Publications , 2001

Encyclopedia of communication and information 3 volume
Schement, Jorge Reina;USA : Macmillan Reference , 2002

Mausuah al-hadarah al-arabiyah al-Islamiyah I / Abdul Rahman Badawi
Badawi, Abdul Rahman;Aman : Darl Faris , 1995

Mausuah al-hadarah al-arabiyah al-Islamiyah 2 / Hasan Hanafi
Hanafi, Hasan;Aman : Dar al-Faris , 1995