Total data: 27100

Communication in history : technology, culture, society
Crowley, D. J.; Heyer, Paul,;Boston, MA : Allyn & Bacon , 2010

Managing information and knowledge in organizations : a literacy approach
Mutch, Alistair,;New York : : Routledge , 2008

Clinical Supervision and Teacher Development : preservice and inservice applications
Gall, Meredith D.,; Acheson, Keith A.,;Hoboken, NJ : : Wiley , 0

Manajemen perpustakaan sekolah profesional
Andi Prastowo; Dirusdi Toanto;Yogyakarta : Diva Press , 2012

Active Listening : teachers manual 3
Brown, Steven,; Smith, Dorolyn.;New York : : Cambridge University Press , 2007

Kritik Sunni atas Wahabi : meluruskan kekeliruan
Tholib Anis; Al; Hasani, Muhammad ibn Alawi al; Maliki;Jakarta : Al-Huda , 2011

Reference and Information Services : an introduction
Cassell, Kay Ann.; Hiremath, Uma.;Chicago : Neal - Schuman , 2013

Reference and Information Services in the 21st Century : an introduction
Cassell, Kay Ann.; Hiremath, Uma.;New York : : Neal-Schuman Publishers, , 2011

Handbook for Arabic Language Teaching Professionals in the 21st Century
Wahba, Kassem M.; Taha, Zeinab A.; England, Liz.;Mahwah, N.J. : : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, , 2006