Total data: 22908
Hybrid Retrosynthesis : organic synthesis using reaxys and scifinder
D'Angelo, John.; Smith, Michael B.;USA : Elseviers , 2015
Psikologi keluarga : pemahaman hakikat keluarga dan penanganan problematika rumah tangga
Ulfiah;Bogor : Ghalia Indonesia , 2016
Psychological testing : principles and applications
Murphy, Kevin R.; Davidshofer, Charles O.;Harlow : Pearson Education , 2014
The SAGE handbook of social media research methods
Sloan, Luke; Quan; Haase, Anabel;California : Sage Press , 2017
Pendidikan agama Islam untuk perguruan tinggi umum
Aminuddin; Krisnawati, Lolita;Bogor : Ghalia Indonesia , 2014
Modern organic synthesis : an introduction
Zweifel, George S.; Nantz, Michael H.; Somfel, Peter;USA : Wiley , 2017