Total data: 2265
Pendidikan kewarganegaraan: pengantar teori
Widodo, Wahyu; Anwari, Budi; Maryanto;Yogyakarta : Andika , 2015
Introduction to early childhood education : preschool through primary grades
Brewer, Jo Ann;Harlow : Pearson , 2014
Handbook teaching and learning: strategi peningkatan mutu pendidikan di perguruan tinggi
Fry, Heather; Ketteridge, Steve; Marshall, Stephanie; Asnawi, Ahmad;Riau : Zanafa Publishing , 2013
Teori motivasi dan pengukurannya: analisis di bidang pendidikan
Uno, Hamzah B.;Jakarta : Bumi Aksara , 2016
Identity, community, and learning lives in digital age
Erstad, Ola; Sefton; Green, Julian;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2013
The purpose of education : an examination of educational problems in the light of recent scientific research
Fox Pitt, St. George Lane;United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press , 2015