Total data: 22902
Biodiversitas cacing tanah dan dampaknya terhadap kualitas tanah di lahan tebu : monograf
Nurhidayati;Malang : Intimedia , 2017
Pedagogy in higher education : a cultural historical approach
Wells, Gordon; Edwards, Anne;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2015
Political psychology : critical perspectives
Tileaga, Cristian;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2015
Scientists making a difference : one hundred eminent behavioral and brain scintists talk abaout their most important contributions
Sternberg, Robert J.; Fiske, Susan T.; Foss, Donald J.;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2016
A history of personality psychology : theory, science, and research from Hellenism to the twenty-first century
Dumont, Frank;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2010
Scientific literacy for participation : a systemic functional approach to analysis of school science discourses
Knain, Erik;Rotterdam : Sense Publisher , 2015
School bullying in different cultures : Eastern and Western perspectives
Smith, Peter K.; Kwak, Keumjoo; Toda, Yoichi;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2016
Inquiry-based experiments in chemistry
Lechtanski, Valerie Ludwig;New York : Oxford University Press , 2000
How students come to be, know, and do : a case for a broad view of learning
Herrenkohl, Leslie Rupert; Mertl, Veronique;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2014
Research design in clinical psychology
Kazdin, Alan E.;Edinburgh : Pearson Education Limited , 2014