Total data: 291

Ragam bahasa Inggris : Amerika, British, formal, informal : membandingkan beberapa perbedaannya
Made Iwan Irawan Jendra;Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu , 2010

TOEFL iBT :internet -based text
Sharpe, Pamela J.;Hauppauge, N.Y. : : Barron's Educational Series, Inc, , 2010

Pronunciation pairs :an introduction to the sounds of English
Baker, Ann,; Goldstein, Sharon.;Cambridge : New York : : Cambridge University Press , 2007

Teaching pronunciation :a course book and reference guide
Celce; Murcia, Marianne.; Brinton, Donna.; Goodwin, Janet M.,;New York : : Cambridge University Press , 2010

Buku panduan guru Bahasa Inggris: berbagai teknik siap pakai dan materi
Brandvik, Mary Lou; McKnight, Katherine S; Alexandra;Jakarta : Indeks , 2013

English phonology and pronunciation teaching
Rogerson; Revell, Pamela.;New York : : Continuum, , 2011