Total data: 22890
Shari'ah governance in Islamic banks
Hasan, Zulkifli;Edinburgh : : Edinburgh University Press, , 2012
Strategi pembelajaran menuju efektivitas pembelajaran di abad global
Mulyono;Malang : UIN-MALIKI PRESS , 2012
Contemporary Sufism : piety, politics and popular culture
Sharify; Funk, Meena; Dickson, William Rory; Xavier, Merin Shobhana;London : Routledge , 2018
The science of cooking : understanding the biology and chemistry behind food and cooking
Provost, Joseph J.,; Colabroy, Keri L.,; Kelly, Brenda S.,; Wallert, Mark,;Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons , 2016
Gizi dan kesehatan anak prasekolah
Ruslianti; Dahlia, Mutiara; Yulianti, Yeni;Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya , 2015
Filsafat ilmu dan metode penelitian
Ghony, M. Djunaidi; Almasnhur, Fauzan;Malang : UIN-MALIKI PRESS , 2015