Total data: 333
The Creation of the American Republic 1776-1787
Wood, Gordon S.;Chapel Hill : The University of north Carolina Press , 1998
The Two Majorities and The Puzzle of Modern American Politics
Shafer, Byron E.;Kansas : University of Kansas , 2003
Government information on the internet
Garvin, Peggy; Notess, Greg R.;Lanham, Maryland : Bernan , 2003
Rivals for power: presidential-congressional relations
Thurber, James A.;New York : Rowman & Littlefield , 2002
The delights of democracy: the triumph of American politics
Potholm, Christian P.;New York : Cooper Squre Press , 2002
Polling and the public: what every citizen should know
Asher, Herbert;Washington, D.C. : CQ Press , 2001
America's religions: from their origins to the twenty-first century
Williams, Peter W.;Urbana : University of Illinois Press , 2002
America's Inadvertent Empire
Odom, William E.; Dujarric, Robert;New Haven : Yale University Press , 2004
Controversies in American politics and society
McKay, David; Houghton, David; Wroe, Andrew;Oxford : Blackwell Publishers , 2002
The Oxford Guide to the United States Goverment
Patrick, John J.; Pious, Richard M; Ritchie, Donald;New York : Oxford University Press , 2001