Total data: 1802
One mighty and irresistible tide :the epic struggle over American immigration, 1924-1965
Yang, Jia Lynn;New York : W.W. Norton & Company , 2020
Guarding the golden door: American immigration policy and immigrants since 1882
Daniels, Roger;New York : Hill and Wang , 2003
A world in disarray: American foreign policy and the crisis of the old order
Haass, Richard;New York : Penguin Books , 2018
The Middle East and the United States: history, politics, and ideologies
Lesch, David W; Haas, Mark L.;New York : Westview press , 2018
The Economics book
Farndon, John; Munsey, Lizzie; Johnsen, Kate;New York : Dorling Kindersley , 2012
Illusion of prosperity :America's working families in an age of economic insecurity
Blau, Joel;New York : Oxford University Press , 1999
Separate and unequal: the Kerner Commission and the unraveling of American liberalism
Gillon, Steven M.;New York : Basic Books , 2018