Total data: 1802
International instruments related to the prevention and suppression of international terrorism
United Nations;New York : United Nations , 2001
Founding Mothers and others :women educational leaders during the progressive era
Sadovnik, R. Alan; Semel, F. Susan;New York : Palgrave , 2002
From my people: 400 years of African American folklore
Dance, Daryl Cumber;New York : W.W. Norton & Company , 2002
Constitutionalism and rights :the influence of the United States constitution abroad
Henkin, Louis; Rosenthal, J. Albert;New York : Columbia University Press , 1989
The complete start-to-finish MBA admissions guide
Shinewald, Jeremy;New York : MGPrep Publishing , 2010
Why we're polarized
Klein, Ezra;New York : Avid Reader Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc. , 2020