Total data: 234

The house of wisdom : how Arabic science saved ancient knowledge and gave us the renaissance
Al; Khalili, Jim;New York : Penguin Books , 2011

Miracles of Al-Qur'an dan as-sunnah
Naik, Zakir; Ristanto, Dani; Wandani, Pramudya Firman;Solo : Aqwam Media Profetika , 2015

Handbook pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains
Tobin, Kenneth; Khozim, M; Widowatie, Derta Sri; Rizal, M.;Bandung : Nusamedia , 2015

Konsep dasar IPA aspek fisika dan kimia
Agustina, I Gusti Ayu Tri; Tika, I Nyoman;Yogyakarta : Ombak , 2013

Metodologi pembelajaran IPA
Damayanti, Restu; Wisudawati, Asih Widi; Sulistyowati, Eka;Jakarta : Bumi Aksara , 2015

Science and religion around the world
Brooke, John Hedley; Numbers, Ronald L.;New York : Oxfrod University Press , 2011

Faith versus fact : why science and religion are incompatible
Coyne, Jerry A.;New York : Viking Compass , 2015

Cognitive science : an introduction to the study of mind, third edition
Friedenberg, Jay; Silverman, Gordon;Amerika : SAGE , 2016

Globalizing knowledge : intelellectuals, universities, and public in transformation
Kennedy, Michael D.;California : Stanford University Press , 2015