Total data: 6995
Religion and nothingness / Keiji Nishitani
Nishitani, Keiji;Berkeley : university of Californiapress , 1983
Violence and Religion : Attitudes towards militancy in the French civil wars and the English revolution / Judy Sproxton
Sproxton, Judy;London and New York : Routledge , 1995
Religion, Deviance and Social Control / Rodney Stark dan William Sims Bainbridge
Stark, Rodney; Bainbridge, William Sims;New York : Routledge , 1996
Mausu'ah al-Ijma' fi al-fiqh al-Islami / Editor: Sa'id Abi Jaib
Abu Jaib, Sa\'id;Katar : Idarah ihya at-tiras al-Islami , s.a.