Total data: 22501
IGC 2018: proceeding of the 1st international graduate conference
Universitas Syiah Kuala;Banda Aceh : Universitas Syiah Kuala , 2019
ACEIVE 2018: Proceeding of the 2nd annual converence of engineering and implementation on vocational education
Universitas Negeri Medan;Medan : Universitas Negeri Medan , 2019
INCOLWIS 2019: Proceeding of the 2nd international converence on local wisdom
Hidayat, Herry Nur; Pramono; Meigalia, Eka; Saddhono, Kundharu; Anwar, Khairil;Padang : Fakultas Humanities Andalas , 2019
ARICIS: confrence proceeding islami, social and traditional justice
Widyanto, Anton; Yusny, Rahmad;Banda Aceh : Ar-Raniry Press. , 2018
Prosiding seminar nasional FHISIP-UT 2017: Transformasi menuju masyarakat informasi yang beretika dan demokratis
Apriandhini, Megafury; Setiani, made yudhi; Harta, Ridho;Tangerang Selatan : Universitas Terbuka , 2017