Total data: 6995
The freedom to do God's will : religious fundamentalism and social change / editor Gerrie ter Haar
;London : Routledge , 2003
Coleridge, philosophy and religion : aids to reflection and the mirror of the spirit / Douglas Hedley
Hedley, Douglas;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2000
The Question of God : C.S. Lewis and Sigmund freud Debate God, love, sex, and the meaning of life / Armand M. Nicholi
Nicholi, Armand M.;New York : The Free Press , 2002
Cita dan citra Muhammadiyah / editor, M. Yunan Yusuf
Yusuf, M. Yunan;Jakarta : Pusaka Panjimas , 1985
Philosophy of religion : a reader and guide / General editor, William Lane Craig
Craig, William Lane;Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press , 2002
Religious dialogue and revolution : essays on Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Hassan Hanafi
Hanafi, Hasan;Cairo : he Anglo-Egyptian Bookshop , 1977
Sistem pemasyarakatan di Indonesia / R. Achmad S. Soema di Pradja, Romli Atmasasmita
Soema di Pradja, R. Achmad S.;Bandung : Penerbit Binacipta , 1979
Mencari agama pada abad XX : wasiat filsafat Roger Garaudy / Roger garaudy; penerjemah: M. Rasjidi
Rasjidi, M.; Garaudy, Roger;Jakarta : Bulan Bintang , 1986