Total data: 31

Encounters :essays for exploration and inquiry
DiYanni, Robert; Hoy, Pat C.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill , 2000

Writing today :contexts and options for the real world
Pharr, Donald.; Buscemi, Santi V.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill , 2005

A writer's workshop :crafting paragraphs, building essays second edition
Brannan, Bob.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill , 2005

Literature and language art : warriner's handbook (sixth course)
Warriner, John E;Amerika : Holt, Rinerhart and Winston , 2009

Literature and language arts {introductory course)
Beers, Kylene [et al.];Amerika : Holt, Rinerhart and Winston , 2010

Patterns for a purpose :a rhetorical reader
Clouse, Barbara Fine.;New York, NY : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2008

Destination: an integrated apptoach to writing paragraphs and essays
Bailey, Richard E; Denstaedt, Linda;New York : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2007

iSpeak :public speaking for contemporary life
Nelson, Paul E.; Titsworth, Scott.; Pearson, Judy C.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2009

Surat-surat yang mengubah dunia : dari surat Kubilai Khan sampai surat Einstein
Pratiwi, Fitria; Simatur, Zulfa; Esfand, Muthia;Jakarta : Visimedia , 2014