Total data: 22275
Problem of evil in Islamic theology : a study on the concept of al-Qabih in al-Qadi Abd Al-Jabbar Al-Hamadhani's / Fauzan Saleh
Saleh, Fauzan;Canada : Mc Gill University Press , 1992
Role of the ULAMA' during the Japanese accupation of Indonesia 1942 - 1945 / Nourouzzaman Shiddiqi
Shiddiqi, Nourouzzaman;Canada : Mc Gill University Press , 1992
Persatuan ulama seluruh Aceh (Pusa) : Its contribution to educational reforms in Aceh
Latif, Hamdiah A.;Canada : Thelibrary insitute of Islamic studies , 1992
Aceh andthe Portuguese : A study of the struggle of Islam in southeast Asia 1500 - 1579
Hadi, Amirul;Canada : The library institute of Islamic studies , 1992
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists : East Lansing, Michigan, October 30 - November, 1992
Abul; Fadl, Mona; Association of Muslim Social Scientists. Convention (21st : 1992 : East Lansing, Michigan);Herndon : International Institute of Islamic Thought , 1993
Humanisme antara Islam dan mazhab barat / Ali Syari'ati
Syari\'ati, Ali; Muhammad, Afif;Bandung : Pustaka Hidayah , 1996
Islam dari masa ke masa
Laila, Abu; Amin, Ahmad; Tohir, Mohammad;Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya , 1987