Total data: 6529
Paradigma Kebudayaan Islam : Studi Kritis dan Refleksi Historis / Faisal Ismail
Ismail, Faisal;Yogyakarta : Titian Ilahi Press , 1997
Reconstruction of Cukture and Islam / Prf.Mohd Taqi Amini
Amini, Mohammad Taqi;New Delhi : Kitab Bhavan , 1988
The Legacy of Islam / Editor, Sir Thomas Arnold
Arnold, Sir Thomas;New Delhi : Adam Publishers , 1995
The Preaching of Islam : a history of the propagation of the Muslim faith / T. W. Arnold
Arnold, T. W.;New Delhi : Adam Publishers , 1997
Psychology and Society in Islamic Perspective / Editor, M.G.Husain, Ph.D.
Husain, M.G.;New Delhi : Institute of Objetive Studies , 1966
Politics and excellence : the political philosophy of Al-Farabi
Galston, Miriam;New Jersey : Princeton University Press , 1990
The Political language of Islam / Bernard Lewis
Lewis, Bernard;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 1985
Islam The Voice of Human Nature / Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin;New Delhi : The Islamic Centre , 2000
Ideologi hegemoni dan otoritas agama : wacana ketegangan kreatif Islam dan Pancasila / Faisal Ismail
Ismail, Faisal;Yogyakarta : Tiara Wacana , 1999