Total data: 14261
Tarbiyah wa turuqu tadris / Saleh Abdul Aziz
Abdul Aziz, Saleh; Abdul Majid, Abdul Aziz;Mesir : Dār al-Maʿārif , 1968
The social psychology of religion
Michael Argyle; Hallahmi, Binyamin Beit;London : Routledge , 1975
The Religion of Islam, a Comprehensive discussion of the tources, principles and practices of Islam / Maulana Muhammad Ali
Ali, Maulana Muhammad;Kairo : The Arab Publishr and printers , 1950
Bawakir al - saqafat al - islamiyyah wa harakat al - naql wa al - tarjamah / Isamuddin Muhammad Ali
Ali, Isamuddin Muhammad;Iskandariyah : Dār al-Maʿārif , 1986
Sperit of Islam, history of the evolution and ideals of Islam with alife of the prophet
Ali, Syed Amecr;Delhi : Idarahi adabiyati delhi , 1978