Total data: 527
Society, spirituality, and the sacred : a social scientific introduction / by Don Swenson
Swenson, Donald S.;Canada : Broadview Press , 1999
The public sphere in Muslim societies
Hoexter, Miriam; Eisenstadt, Shmuel N.; Levtzion, Nehemia;Albany, New York : State University of New York Press , 2002
Islam dalam bingkai budaya lokal : potret dari Cirebon / Muhaimin AG
AG, Muhaimin;Jakarta : Logos Wacana Ilmu , 2002
Bukan Dunia Berbeda : Sosiologi Komunitas Islam / Nur Syam
Syam,Nur;Surabaya : Pustaka Eureka , 2005
The elementary forms of religious life
Durkheim, Emile; Fields, Karen E.;London : The Free Press , 1995
Religions in practice : an approach to the anthropology of religions
Bowen, John R.;Boston, MA : Allyn & Bacon , 2003