Total data: 1612
Khalifah Ibn Khayyat : Fi tarikhihi wa tabaqatihi
Ibn; Asi,Husain;Beirut : Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyyah , 1993
Faituri ad-da'i`i allazi wajada nafsahu
Baqa`i, Iman Yusuf;Beirut : Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyyah , 1994
Decline of the Islamic empire of Aceh 1641 - 1699
Auni, Luthfi;Canada : The library institute Islamic studies , 1993
Islam and politics under the new order government in Indonesia 1966-1990
Truna, Dody S.;Canada : Mc Gill University Press , s.a.
Role of the ULAMA' during the Japanese accupation of Indonesia 1942 - 1945 / Nourouzzaman Shiddiqi
Shiddiqi, Nourouzzaman;Canada : Mc Gill University Press , 1992
Islam dari masa ke masa
Laila, Abu; Amin, Ahmad; Tohir, Mohammad;Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya , 1987
Islam and muslims in south Asia : historical perspective
Siddiqui, Iqtidar Husain;Delhi : Adam , 1997