Total data: 25670
Development an Islamic perspective / Aidit Ghazali
Ghazali, Aidit;Malaysia : Pelanduk publications , 1990
Faith and practice of Islam Three Thirteenth century sufi texts
Chittech, William C.;Malaysia : S. Abdul Majeed \r\n CO , 1994
Freedom of expression in Islam
Kamali, Mohammad Hashim;Kuala Lumpur : Baitan Publishing SDN. BHD. , 1994
Fasts as ordained before you (The tradition of fasts according to the jewich, Christian and muslim scriptures / Muhammad Umar CHand
CHand, Muhammad Umar;Kuala Lumpur : A.S. Noordeen , 1992
Sebuah kompilasi filsafat Islam / Thawil Akhyar Dasoeki
Dasoeki, Thawil Akhyar;Semarang : Toha putra , 1993
Sufi dari zaman ke zaman : Suatu pengantar tentang tasawuf
Al; Taftazani, Abu Al; Wafa al; Ghanimi; Utsmani, Ahmad Rofi`;Bandung : Pustaka , 1985