Total data: 3962
Knoledge and perseption:Essays and lectures / H.A. Prichard
H.A. Prichard;London : Oxford and the clarendon press , 1970
Women in Muslim Family law / John L. Esposito
John L. Esposito;New York : Syracuse University Press , 1982
Politics and excellence: the political philosophy of al-Farabi
Galston, Miriam;New Jersey : Princeton University Press , 1990
The Political aspects of Islamic philosophy : essays in honor of Muhsin S. Mahdi
Butterworth, Charles E.;Cambridge, Mass : Harvard University Press , 1992
Authority and political culture in shi'ism / Editor:Said Amir Arjomand
Arjomand,Said Amir;New York : State University of New York Press , 1988
Menuju jama'atul muslimin : telaah sistem jama'ah dalam gerakan Islam
Jabir, Hussain bin Muhammad bin Ali; Tamhid, Aunur Rafiq Shaleh;Jakarta : Robbani Press , 1996