Total data: 298
Presidential power and the modern presidents: the politics leadership from Roosevelt to Reagan
Neustadt, Richard E.;New York : The Free Press , 1991
The Ultimate college survival guide: proven tips and techniques for success
Worthington, Janet Farrar; Ronald Farrar;Australia : Thomson & Peterson's , 1994
The fight for free speech :ten cases that define our First Amendment freedoms
Rosenberg, Ian;New York : New York University Press , 2021
The Educator's desk reference (EDR): a sourcebook of educational information and research
Freed, Melvyn N.; Hess, Robert K.; Ryan, Joseph M.;Westport, Connecticut : American Council on Education and Praeger , 2002
Mass motorization + mass transit: an American history and policy analysis
Jones, David W.,;Bloomington : : Indiana University Press, , 2008
Special education desk references
Buchanan, Mary; Weller, carol; Buchanan, Michelle;San Diego : Singular Publishing Group , 1997
US hegemony and international organizations
Foot, Rosemary; MacFarlane, S. Neil; Mastanduno, Michael;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2003