Total data: 26089
Color atlas of operative technique in head and neck surgery : mouth, pharynx, larynx, thyroid, parotid, soft tissues, and reconstructive surgery
Jatin P. Shah;New York : Wolfe Medical Publicaions , 1990
PocketRadiologist : temporal bone : top 100 diagnoses
Harnsberger, H Ric; Wiggins, Richard H.; Swartz, Joel D.; Hudgins, Patricia A.;Salt Lake City, Utah : Amirsys , 2003
Buku pedoman peran bidan dalam pencegahan penularan HIV AIDS dari ibu ke anak
Aditya Kusumawati;Semarang : FKM Undip resas , 2021
Buku saku pelayanan kesehatan ibu di fasilitas kesehatan dasar dan rujukan
Indonesia. Kementerian Kesehatan;Jakarta : Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia , 2013
The Farmacological basis of therapeutics
Goodman, Louis S.; Gilman, Alfred; Franz, Donald N.; Cohen, Peter J.; Price, Henry L.;New York : Macmillan , 1975
Buku ajar fisiologi kedokteran = Textbook of medical physiology
Guyton, Arthur C.; Hall, John E.; Irawati Setiawan; Ken Ariata Tengadi; Alex Santoso;Jakarta : Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC , 1997
A practical guide to the management of nasal and sinus disorders
King, Hueston C.; Mabry, Richard L.;New York : Thieme Medical Publishers , 1993
A colour atlas of cardiac pathology
Farrer; Brown, Geoffrey;London : Wolfe Medical Publicaions , 1977
PocketRadiologist : head and neck : top 100 diagnoses
Harnsberger, H Ric; Wiggins, Richard H.; Hudgins, Patricia A.; Davidson, H. Christian;Salt Lake City, Utah : Amirsys , 2003