Total data: 6633
Investments :analysis and management
Jones, Charles Parker,;Hoboken, N.J. : : John Wiley & Sons , 2006
Green constitution : nuansa hijau undang - undang dasar negara republik Indonesia tahun 1945
Jimly Asshiddiqie;Jakarta : RajaGrafindo Persada , 2010
Intermediate accounting
Kieso, Donald E.; Weygandt, Jerry J.; Warfield, Terry D.;Hoboken, NJ : : Wiley , 2005
Syeikh Abdul Qadir Al - Mandili ( 1910 - 1965 ): Biografi & Pendidikan Akhlak
Ramli Awang;Malaysia : Universiti Teknologi Malaysia , 2008
AutoCAD 2006 instructor :a student guide to complete coverage of AutoCAD's commands and features
Leach, James A.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2006
Information technology and management
Thompson, Ronald L.; Cats; Baril, William L.;Boston, Mass. : : McGraw-Hill , 2003
The winner's circle :Wall Street's best mutual fund managers
Shook, R. J.;Hoboken, N.J. : : John Wiley , 2005