Total data: 26724

Ideology in America
Ellis, Christopher,; Stimson, James A.;New York : : Cambridge University Press , 2012

Muccigrosso, Robert;
Malabar, Florida : Krieger Publishing , 2001

Mystics and messiahs :cults and new religions in American history / Philip Jenkins
Jenkins, Philip;New York : Oxford University Press , 2000

The religious history of America
Gaustad, Edwin S.; Schmidt, Leigh E.;New York : HarperSanFrancisco , 2002

The Most dangerous man in America:the making of Douglas MacArthur
Perry, Mark;United States of America : Basic Books , 2014

The 5 elements of effective thinking
Burger, edward B; Starbird, michael;New jesey : Greenwood Press , 2012

The soldier and the state :the theory and politics of civil-military relations
Huntington, Samuel P.;Cambridge, MA : s.n. , 1985