Total data: 27185

Long day's journey : the steamboat and stagecoach era in the Northern West
Schwantes, Carlos Arnaldo;Seattle : University of washington Press , 1999

American social and political thought : a reader
Hess, Andreas;New York : New York University Press , 2003

The Smithsonian's history of America in 101 object
Kurin, Richard;Westport, Connecticut : The Penguin Press , 2013

America's greatest brands : An Insight into many America's stringest and most valuable brands volume VII
America's Greatest Brands;Kent : America's Greatest Brands , 2009

America the beautiful :a story in photographs
Lepore, Jill;Washington, D.C. : National Geographic , 2020

Constitutionalism and American culture : writing the new constitutional history
Hall, Kermit L.; VanBurkleo, Sandra F.; Kaczorowski, Robert J.; Katz, Stanley N.;Kansas : University of Kansas , 2002

Coming to America :a history of immigration and ethnicity in American life
Daniels, Roger;New York : Perennial , 2002