Total data: 6540
Teologi dialog Islam - Barat : pergumulan muslim Eropa
Ramadan, Tariq; Ali, Abdullah;Bandung : Mizan , 2002
The History of Islamic Political Thought from the Prophet to the Present / Antony Black
Black, Antony;New York : Edinburgh Univerasity Press , 2001
Tokoh Kunci Gerakan Islam Kontemporer / John L.Esposito, John O.Voll;Penerjemah:Sugeng Hariyanto, Sukono dan Umi Rohimah
Esposito, John L.; Hariyanto, Sugeng; Rohimah, Umi;Jakarta : RajaGrafindo Persada , 2002
Islam dan permasalahan sosial : mencari jalan keluar
Azizy, Ahmad Qodri A.;Yogyakarta : LKiS , 2013