Total data: 1802
Motor learning and human performance : an aplication to motor skills and movement behaviors / Robert N. Singer
Singer, Robert N.;New York : Macmillan Publishing , 1980
Religion, politics and social change in the third world
Smith, Donald Eugene;New York : The Free Press , 1971
Rabi'a the mistic and her fellow saints in Islam / Margaret Smith
Smith, Margaret;New York : Cambridge University Press , 1984
Outgeny of learning and memory / Norman E. Spear
Spear, Norman E.; Compbell, Byron;New York : Halsted Press Division , 1979
Anatomy of the New Testament : a Guide to its structure and meaning / Roebert A. Spivey
Spivey, Roebert; Smith, D.Moody;New York : Macmillan Publishing , 1982
Ways to writing : purpose, tasle and process
Stanley, Linda C.; Shinkin, David; Lenner, Allen H.;New York : Macmillan , 1988