Total data: 6529
Islam : Its prophet, peoples, politics and power / Goerge W. Braswell
Braswell, Goerge W.;Nashville : Broadman \r\n Holman Publishers , 1996
Nine parts of desire : the hidden worls of islamic women / Geraldine Brooks
Brooks, Geraldine;New York : Anchor Books , 1996
Inside Islam : the faith, the people, and the conflicts of the world's fastest-growing religion / editor John Miller
;New York : Marlowe \r\n Company , 2002
Western dominance and political Islam : challenge and response / Khalid Bin Sayeed
Bin Sayeed, Khalid;New York : State University Press , 1995
Islamic law of business organization partnerships / Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee
Nyazee, Imran Ahsan Khan;Kuala Lumpur : The Other Press , 2002
Islam the Muslim ummah / Mahathir Mohamad
Mohamad, Mahathir;Malaysia : Pelanduk publications , 2001