Total data: 6540
Introducing Islam / Ziauddin Sardar
Sardar, Ziauddin; Malik, Zafar Abbas;USA : Icon Books UK , 2001
Silent no more : confronting America's false images of Islam / Paul Findley
Findley, Paul;USA : Amana Publications , 2002
Towards a European Islam / Jorgen S. Nielsen
Nielsen, Jorgen S.;Warwick : centre for Research in Etnic relations University of Warwick , 1999
Development : an Islamic perspective / Aidit Ghazali
Ghazali, Aidit;Malaysia : Pelanduk publications , 1990
Islam and the destiny of man / Charles Le Gai Eaton
Eaton, Charles Le Gai;New York : State University of New York Press , 1985
Intelektual origins of Islamic resurgence in the modern Arab world / Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi
Abu; Rabi, Ibrahim M.;New York : State University of New York Press , 1996
Jihad in the west Muslim conquests from the 7th to the 21st centuries / Paul Fregosi
Fregosi, Paul;New York : Prometheus books , 1998