Total data: 6529
Taliban : militant Islam, and fundamentalism in central asia / Ahmed Rashid
Rashid, Ahmed;London : Yale Nota Bene , 2001
Al-Qomus al-islamiy / Ahmad 'Athiyyatullah
ʿAthiyyatullah, Ahmad;Kairo : Maktabah An-Nahdhan al-Misriyyah , 1966
Wafiyatul ayan wa-anbau ubnai azzamani / Ihsan 'Abbas
ʿAbbas, Ihsan;Beirut : Daru Ats-Tsaqafah , 1969
Islam in modern history
Smith, Wilfred Cantwell;Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press , s.a.
Banking and public finance in Islam / Azlan Khalili Shamsuddin
Shamsuddin, Azlan Khalili;Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Pustaka Fajar , 1988
Islamic da'wah n the west muslim missinary activity and the dynamics of conversion to Islam / Larry Poston
Poston, Larry;New York : Oxford University Press , 1992
The growth of Islamic thought in North America focus on Ismai'il Raji al Faruqi / Muhammad Shafiq
Shafiq, Muhammad;USA : Amana Publicaatins , 1994
Islamic traditionalism in Indonesia : A study of the Nahdlatul Ulama's early history and religious ideology (1926-1950) / Faisal Ismail
Ismail, Faisal;Jakarta : Badan Litbang Agama \r\n Diklat Keagaman , 2003