Total data: 12086
Religion, Deviance, and social control / Rodney Stark
Stark, Rodney;London and New York : Routledge , 1996
Sacred sites sacred places / David L Carmichael ( ed )
carmichael, David L ( ed ); Hubert, jane; Reeves, BRian; Schanche, Audhild;London and New York : Routledge , 1994
The Pursuit of certainty : Religious and culture formulations / Wendy James ( ed )
James, Wendy ( ed );London and New York : Routledge , 1995
Ecstatic religion : A Study ofshamanism and spirit possesion / I.M Lewis
Lewis, I.M;London and New York : Routledge , 1989
Religion and the Individual : A Social-Psychological Perpective / C.Daniel Batson, Patria Schoenrade, W.Larry Ventis
Batson, C.Daniel;New York : Oxford University Preess , 1993
Theorizing About Myth / Robert A.Segal
Segal, Robert A.;Boston : University of Massachusetts , 1999
Thou Art That : Transforming Religious Metaphor / Joseph Campbell
Campbell, Joseph;Canada : New World liBrary , 2001
Naskah UUD 1945 sesudah tiga kali diubah oleh MPR / Harun Alrasid
Alrasid, Harun;Jakarta : Universitas Indonesia , 2002
Finding Space : Winnicott,God,and Psychic Reality / Ann Belford Ulanov
Ulanov, Ann Belford;Louisville : John Knox Press , 1989
Where God Lives in the Human Brain / Carol Rausch dan James B.Ashbrook
Albright, Carol Rausch;Naperville : Sourcebooks , 2001