Total data: 1612
Apa sebab rakyat Aceh sanggup puluhan tahun melawan agresi Belanda / A. Hasymi
Hasymi, A.;Jakarta : Bulan Bintang , 1977
Association for Asian studies an interpretative history / Charles O. Hucker
Hucker, Charles O.;London : Univ. of Washington Press , 1973
History of religious : essays in methodology
Eliade, Mircea; Kitagawa, Joseph M.;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 1974
Modernity and traditioan the Saudi Equation / Fouad Farsy
Fouad Farsy;New York : Kegan Paul International , 1990
Historical atlas of the religions of the world / Ismail Raji al Faruqi
Ismail Raji al Faruqi;New York : Macmillan , 1974