Total data: 780

The Immanent Utopia : From Marxism on the State to the State of Marxism / Axel Van den Berg
Van den Berg, Axel;USA : Princenton University Press , 1988

Unholy war : terror in the name of Islam
Esposito, John L.;New York : Oxford University Press , 2002

Dialogue in the world disorder : a response to the threat of unilateralism and world terrorism
Helmanita, karlina; Abubakar, Irfan;Jakarta : Pusat Bahasa Dan BudayaUin Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung , 2004

Al-Qur'an dan sufisme Mangkunagara IV : studi serat-serat piwulang / Moh. Ardani; editor, Sonhadji
Ardani, Moh; Sonhadji;Yogyakarta : Dana Bhakti Wakaf , 1995

Dialogue in the world disorder : a response to the threat of uniteralism and world terrorism / editor: Karlina helmanita
Helmanita, karlina; Abubakar, Irfan;Jakarta : Pusat Bahasa dan Budaya UIN Syarif Hidayatullah , 2004

Prospek islam dalam menghadapi tantangan zaman / Muhammad Tholhah Hasan
Hasan, Muhammad Tholhah;Jakarta : Lantabora , 2003

Islam dalam perspektif sosio kultural / Muhammad Tholhah Hasan
Hasan, Muhammad Tholhah;Jakarta : Lantabora , 2005