Total data: 12185
Islam in a globalizing world / Thomas W. Simons Jr.
Simons Jr., Thomas W.;Stanford, CA : Stanford University Press , 2003
Society, spirituality, and the sacred : a social scientific introduction / by Don Swenson
Swenson, Donald S.;Canada : Broadview Press , 1999
Rights the new quarrel between the ancients and the moderns / Luc Ferry; translated by Franklin Philip
Ferry, Luc; Philip, Franklin;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 1990
A Feminist philosophy of religion : the rationality and myths of religious belief / Pamela Sue Anderson
Anderson, Pamela Sue;Oxford : Blackwell Publishers , 1997
Sexuality in Islam / Abdelwahab Bouhdiba; translated from French by Alan Sheridan
Bouhdiba, Abdelwahab; Sheridan, Alan;London : Routledge \r\n Kegan Paul , 1985
The Culture of Islam : changing aspects of contemporary muslim life / Lawrence Rosen
Rosen, Lawrence;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2002
A Reader in the anthropology of religion / eited by Michael Lambek
Lambek, Michael;Malden, Massachusetts : Blackwell Publishers , 2002
Agama dan negara : analisis kritis pemikiran politik Nrcholish Madjid
Zamharir,Muhammad Hari;Jakarta : RajaGrafindo Persada , 2004
Paradigma psikologi Islami : studi tentang elemen psikologi dari Al-Quran
Baharuddin;Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar , 2007