Total data: 12210
Genom : Kisah Spesies Manusia Dalam 23 Bab / Matt Ridley;penerjemah:Alex Tri Kantjono w.;editor: Wildan Yatim
Ridley, Matt; Tri Kantjono w., Alex; Yatim, Wildan;Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama , 2005
Wayang Beber Wonosari / Bagyo Suharyono:Editor:Kundharu Saddhono
Saddhono,Kundharu; Suharyono,Bagyo;Wonogiri : Bina Citra Pustaka , 2005
Phenomenology of Perception / M. Merleu-Ponty;tranlated from the French by Colin Smith
Merleu; Ponty, M.; Smith, Colin;New York : Routledge , 2001
Islam And Democracy in the Middle East / Edited by Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner, and Daniel Brumberg
Diamond, Larry; Plattner, Marc F.; Brumberg, Daniel;Maryland : The John Hopkins University Press , 2003
Research for Social Workers : An introduction to methods / Margaret Alston, Wendy Bowles
Alston, Margaret; Bowles, Wendy;New York \r\n London : Routledge and Tailor\r\nFrancis Group , 2003
The Multiple Identities of the Middle East / Bernard Lewis
Lewis, Bernard;New York : Schocken Books , 1999
The Middle East : a Brief History of The Last 2,000 Years / Bernard Lewis
Lewis, Bernard;New York : Scribner , 1995
Transnational Political Islam : Religion, Ideology and Power / Edited by Azza Karam
Karam, Azza;London : Pluto Press , 2004