Total data: 12230
What Went Wrong? : the Clash between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East / Bernard Lewis
Lewis, Bernard;New York : Oxford University Press , 2003
A Middle East Mosaic : Fragments of Life Letters And History / Bernard Lewis
Lewis, Bernard;New York : The Modern Library , 2000
Between Memory And Desire : The Middle East In A Troubled Age / R.Stephen Humpreys
Humphreys, R. Stephen;London : University of California press , 2001
The Challenge Of Fundamentalism : Political Islam And The New World Disorder / Bassam Tibi
Tibi, Bassam;London : University of California press , 2002
Social Stratification : Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perpective / edited by David B. Grusky
Grusky, David B.;London : Westview press , 2001
Science and social work : a critical appraisal
Kirk, Stuart A; Reid, William J.;New York : Columbia University Press , 2002
Kamus lengkap Biologi / M. Abercrombie
Abercrombie, M; Hickman, M; Johnson, M.L.; Thain, M;Surabaya : Erlangga , 1993
Auditing (Dasar - dasar audit laporan keuangan) / Abdul Halim
Halim, Abdul;Yogyakarta : UPP AMP YKPN , 2003
Akuntansi Basis pengambilan keputusan bisnis / Henry Simamora
Simamora, Henry;Jakarta : Salemba Empat , 2000