Total data: 16123
The Classical heritage in Islam / Franz Rosenthal
Rosenthal,Franz;London : Routledge \r\n Kegan Paul , 1975
Inner dimension of Islamic worship
Al; Gazālī, Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad; Holland, Muhtar;London : Islamic Foundation , 1983
The Arab predicament : Arab political thought and practice since 1967 / Fouad Ajami
Ajami, Fouad;London : Cambridge University Press , 1981
Agenda aksi liberalisasi ekonomi dan politik di Indonesia / Rizal Ramli [et. al.]
Ramli, Rizal,; Rahardjo, M. Dawam; Abimanyu, Anggito;Yogyakarta : Pusat Pengembangan Manajemen (PPM) FE UII bekerjasama dengan Tiara Wacana Yogya , 1997
Hejaz before world war I : a handbook / David George Hogarth
Hogarth, David George;Cambridge : Falcon - Oleander , 1978
The Integration of Islam and Hiduism in western Europe / W. A. R. Shadid, P. S. van Koningsveld (eds.)
Shadid, W. A. R.; Koningsveld, P. S. van;Kampen, Nederland : Kok Pharos Publishing House , 1991
An Integrated education system in a multi-faith and multi-cultural country / edited by, Ghazali Basri
Basri, Ghazali;Malaysia : Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia , 1991
The Advancement of learning / Francis Bacon; edited with an introduction by G. W. Kitchin
Bacon, Francis; Kitchin, G. W.;London : J. M. Dent \r\n Sons , 1958
Readings in educational psychology : learning and teaching / E. Stones
Stones, E.;London : Methuen , 1970