Total data: 22681
Gelandangan di kampung sendiri / Emha Ainun Nadjib
Nadjib, Emha Ainun;Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar , 1995
Persatuan Islam : pembaharuan Islam Indonesia abad XX
Federspiel, Howard M.; Asmin, Yudian W.; Mochtar Afandi;Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press , 1996
The Structure of scientific revolutions / Thomas S. Kuhn
Kuhn, Thamas S.;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 1970
Matinya Gender / Ivan Illich;Terjemah,Omi Intan Naomi
Illich, Ivan; Naomi, Omi Intan;Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar , 1998
TheArt of speaking / William R. Gondin, Edward W. Mammen
Gondin, William R.; Mammen, Edward;London : W.H.Allen , 1980
Politics and government : How people decide their fate / Karl W. Deutsch
Deutsch, Karl W.;Boston : Houghton Mifflin , 1980
Sosial Development : Psychological Growth and the parent-Child relationship / Eleanor E. Maccoby
Maccoby, Eleanor E.;New York : Harcourt Brace Javanovich , 1980
Social analysis : a Marxist critique and alternative / V.L. Allen
Allen, V.L.;London : Longman , 1975